Thursday, November 4, 2010

Football Today vs Football Yesterday

From contributing author: Watch you bleed.
 "rlly rlly dont get how anyone can seriously say that football today is better than it was in the past...and i definitely cant say how anyone can actually imply that maradona was an individual player..plz anyone who thinks or believes this should go get some education in soccer history or change hobbies begin in the past was wayyyyyyy better than it is now and it ever will be because quite the expert already pointed out the direction it has taken is towards fitness and physical abilities rather than technique, skill, and smart the past those were the qualities that make a good player..u have players like beckenbauer and cruyff who revolutionized the game...can anyone imagine a team right now play total football the way cruyff and co did?? and if u check out the so called best players considered in football today, with the exception of few, they are all players that are supremely fit and fast..example the dumbass cristiano ronaldo..while he is a good player that can be benificial to his team if used properly, he is nowhere near as good as the media and public hype him up to..which brings me to maradona..if u know anything about him he is one of the best team players ever...he barely used to touch the ball more than 2-3 times before passing..dont be fooled by the clips they show u cause what they show are the dribbles n such but they dont show a regular pass..well coz nowadays noone cares about simple is a simple game and no one..i mean no one is half as smart as maradona or can do what he used to do...he would involve the whole team in his style of play just because he is a passer unlike many of u think....he aint no cristiano or ronaldinho or any of this "ballerinas" with all the tricks n that..he used to play simple...and if anyone thinks that he couldve won the world cup and uefa cup and italian league on his own..then thats just downright foolish..he ofcourse was the main piece and without him neither napoli nor argentina woudlve won but that dont mean that he beat teams alone...maybe in certain instances he produced plays that won the games..but he still needs a good team to plz anyone who claims that maradona is an individual player and that football now is better than before either educate urself about football history before talkin or just go away and find some other sport to watch or follow...there is just no way that football now is may be faster and more physical but football iq has dropped drastically...players before used to think while playing and they had to hav some they just run..someone pointed out that everyone is developping players at a young age in soccer schools..this is true but this is what is actually aiding in ruining football today and makin it suck so bad...if u get a kid playing from the age of 7 or 8 mainliy focusing on running and fitness drills and making him/her memorize the game and what to do in certain situations then how will that person become a good creative and talented player if he/she is being taught to play like a machine..great players play with hearts and minds...great player think and play with a passion..unfortunately players in this day and age play for the recognition, the money, and just run around like idiots..well most of em again plz no one compare todays football to that in the past..and certainly no one say anyting about maradona without actually watching him play or knowing anythign about him other than the few clips where they show him dribbling..u are basically criticizing..the best there ever was and best there ever will be...some pple will say maybe someone in the future will be better..and thats just no way this is gona happen coz player are more phsycially oriented and will continue to be so..rather than technically and skillfully oriented..and id take a gifted smart player over a physical player anyday...peace"


  1. Well its all nice and pretty when u refer to maradona's game...and its even better when u mock cristiano, but i have to point out that when u get a skillful smart player with great vision in a generation where the focus is mainly on physical ability and stamina, then u have an evolved player, one that if put in the maradona's era, will reck havoc across the footballing world. Yes, i am talking about messi. Similar to maradona in many ways,i think the barcelona school is what gave him that edge he now has..skill can be found almost anywhere (not in england though) but allowing enough space for creativity and teaching to look for a teamate is what gives u a great player. For me, the last good creative footballing schools are barcelona, ajax, and arsenal(w/o english players). Nonethelss, messi might never be able to emulate maradona...mainly bcs everyone has studied him and 4-5 defenders are always marking him,but also bcs too much is expected of him, which kind of limits his creativity..Barca have to win every game..which means he cant mess around much..then again bcs barca have a lot of playmakers (xavi iniesta) he still gets some freedom..

    Bottom line: Maradona best till now...messi can get close but will never surpass maradona

  2. Personally, I doubt any player will ever get close to Maradona. These players come only once... How many Mozarts do you have only one. SO there will always be only one ronaldo. One maradona.

  3. sami my romanian friend wurup ma man?u mentioned that a player with current fitness will create havoc during maradonas time but thats just not fair...also if u wana argue that defense now is tougher u cant say maradona cant do the same coz if u wana put him in todays game u gota consider that maradona will be much upto todays standards and therefore he will stil be the is all relative to the era..but skill and smartness is the same during any footballin maradona was ruthlessly marked and many players studied his moves n how to mark him but still no one could because he plays simple and passes the ball always.2-3 touches as previoulsy said ...and the same wud apply if he plays simply while messi is one is like in point world cup performance...bsides diego maradona never playd wth a team as accomplished as messis current barca...sorry man as the expert said...theres only one maradona..can never be equalled ehehe...apologies for the long comment but this is maradona hehehe..will try make comments shorter..peace

  4. btw sami good to know that u put the english down from u first comment hahaha..way to go man.damn fuckin english dumbass players hehehe..

    the expert good to know we are n agreement so far man...

  5. Hi. I feel like I started this conversation somehow but you guys didn't get my point I guess. Maradona is a legend, no doubt about and it'll be very hard to come across another player like him. However, I was saying football in general is better than before in terms of collective play and passing. Moreover, the FIFA rule changes overtime (like offside rules and passing ball back to goalie) have made the game much better than before. Lastly, please stay calm in your replies. We're just expressing opinions. lol

  6. @Moe: didnt intend on insulting or attacking anybody...apologies for that..was just trying to express my opinion and when it comes to this specific issue i may tend to get a bit edgy hehehehe..anw sorry for any for the topic i agree maradona is a legend...and i think no one will ever be close to him...he is the most gifted and smart player..ever to play and ever will...but i can not agree that football is becoming generally better man..i mean its true that some of the rules u mentioned made the game better but overall in terms of player and football quality i think that there has been a huge decline...i mean when u watch players nowadays u say this guys has a good shot or good long passes or this guys tough or fast or whatever..or nice goal..but u rarely ever say that this guys a genius or sthg like that..i mean look at it this way..xavi in my opinion is the best player now and he is heavily underrated barca and spain wouldnt have achieved what they did the past few yrs if it wasnt for him...but there arent that many players of his quality or footballin iq these days..years ago however that wasnt the case..there were a lot of smart players of his quality and in some cases what im tryin to say is in a strictly footballin perspective i think the quality was much higher back then...
